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时间:2014/5/22 15:01:00 |   浏览:

These days, I am urge to keep fit as I have realized that I am kind of fat or stount. Thus I work out every morning jogging,rope skiping in a park near my home. So tired as I felt,  I make up my mind that I will never rule out. I don't know how long my ambition will last for. Since last summer, I determined to take off my weight as well. Yet I threw in the towel on the half way for my painful muscle.  I stay in having rest and rest and rest......... Finally, summer vocation is over and I need to get back to school.
OH MY!!! Time really isn't on my side!!!
  Boiling lessons from my last experience, I will never never give up! I can make it as long as I am persitent.
作者:Jerry |   信息来源:明珠英语
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