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Everything is nothing but a cinch 万事皆为小事一桩
时间:2014/5/22 15:15:00 |   浏览:

We also hear others complain about they dozens of sufferings,which are considered as unfair treatments and  enomous miseries that the god bring to.We also hear the complaints as the following:
"It,s unfair for meto experiences such that"
I can,t tolerant you bad teamper,how could you said that?"
"I am totally at loss,I shouldn,t have failed my IT examination"
"My darling give a cold shouder to meand we had been over"How cruel a guy!
"my supper stars all look nice,why I couldn,t became more pretty just for a little?"all of these lead to let youself down to wrongand loss the hope of being better.In fact,we all equal to eachothers,you and me combine a make light work,you and me contribute our selves to build a mere splendy world,you and me all along pray for a brighter future.We should roar that I am really importantly and I have the abilities and confidence to overcome any problems  and grab every litter opportunities.Setting off with a pleasure and grateful mood, just turn around you may find a fantastic senses. If  turning  our attitude instead of endless complaints is right?Time is the best teacher.Thanks for all my friends who are supporting me now and never!Thank you again!I am really very happy to make friend with you!Let,s growning more positive ,happy ,and relieve everyday!
作者:Jerry |   信息来源:明珠英语
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