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时间:2014/5/29 15:14:00 |   浏览:


In 1949 November, the International Democratic women's Federation Council meeting held in Moscow, China and representatives angry expose the imperialist reactionaries and killing, poisoned children's crimes. In order to protect the world's children's right to survival, health and education, to improve the lives of children, the meeting decided in June 1st of each year as the international children's day.


Prior to this, many countries in the world have children's day. In 1925, the international children's Association's initiative to create a happy children's day, the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries to respond positively, has established its own national children's day, the British rule (set in July 14th each year for the children's day, the United States set May 1st as the children's day. Japan's children's Day is very special, children's day men and women, men and children's day May 5th, female children's day March 3rd. In 1931 China had set April 4th as the children's day in china.


Since established in 1949 June 1st as the international children's day, all the countries in the world have abolished the original children's day, and the reunification of the "International Children's day". China's central government in 1949 December announced: "the international children's Day" instead of "four four children's Day", and provides children a day off.


Children's day in the world

儿童是国家的未来,是民族的希望,给所有儿童创造良好的家庭、社会和学习环境,让他们健康、快乐、幸福地成长,一直是世界各国努力的目标,一年一度的“六一国际儿童节”就是专门为儿Children are the future of the country, are the hope of the nation, creating a good family, society and the learning environment for all children, make them healthy, happy, happy growth, has been trying to target once a year all over the world, the "International Children's Day" is set up specifically for children's day. However, in addition to this International Festival and the fourth Sunday of April every year "world children's Day", many countries throughout the world also have their own national children's day, the celebration is also unique, interesting, not only reflects the different national traditions, customs, and filled with infinite joy and vitality!




From the beginning of 1949, the people's Republic of China officially in June 1st each year for the international children's day. The school will organize relevant collective activities, and require students to dress formally (Universal pre-school uniform shirt and white pants blue line). Hongkong is part of the Republic of China, but the common folk, Hongkong children's day with the Republic of China still retains the same April 4th. More civil way to celebrate the gift to send toys to children, or to accompany children to eat or play.


Japan: three times a year for children's Day


Japanese children's Day is celebrated in most countries in the world, their one year to celebrate the three children's Day celebration, but also very interesting, full of thick Japanese customs.


In March 3rd the girls' Day


edicated to the Japanese girl set, each to this day, a daughter, parents will set up a display at home, the table was wearing a beautiful female dolls Japanese kimono, as to his daughter's holiday gift.


In May 5th the boy Festival

为了祝福家中的男孩健康、快乐,这一天日本家家户户都会用 纸或布做成色彩鲜艳、形状像鲤鱼的彩带,然后把这些彩带串在竹竿上,并和金色的风车绑在一起,挂在屋顶上。之所以这样做,是因为日本人相信鲤鱼最有精神和活力,希望家中的男孩都像鲤鱼那样,因此这一天又称为“鲤鱼日”。

In order to wish the boys home health, happiness, Japan to this day each and every family will make colorful, shaped like a carp ribbons with paper or cloth, and then put these ribbons in the string of bamboo, and the golden windmill tied together, hanging on the roof. The reason to do so, because the Japanese believe that the carp most has the spirit and vitality, hope the boys are at home, like carp, so this day is also known as "carp day".


At the same time, Japan's parents that day will be placed in the home doll, but they are all warriors dressed, the appearance is very terrible.


November 15th "seven five three" children's Day


Custom in Japan, at the age of three, five and seven years old are three young friends especially lucky, so every year on this day, will be dedicated to these three young children to celebrate a bustling.


This day, the children will be put on the best of traditional kimono, but also the back of a painting of the pine trees, the tortoise or crane such as patterns of small paper bags, paper bags filled with parents to buy candy and toys. Dress neatly, the parents will take the children on the Japanese Shinto shrine, pray and thank the gods to bring healthy and happy children.


Columbia: Children's day wearing a mask, clown.


The countries of Central America Columbia July 4th each year for children's day. On this day, schools across the country have held various activities to celebrate the be lively and vivid, children are often put on every kind of mask, dressed like a clown playing in the street, very happy.


Brazil: see a doctor, health first


Children's day in Brazil in August 15th, this day is also Brazil's "national immunization day". So, each to this day, the doctors to see the doctor for children, but also to children under the age of 5 vaccinated against polio vaccines, that the government is very concerned about the health of children. In addition, the Brazil of the "Virgin Mary apparitions day" in October 12th is often a children's day, the country will have some celebration activities.

作者:Jerry |   信息来源:明珠英语
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